Southworth Products is part of Southworth International Group (SIGI), the parent company of leading manufacturers of ergonomic vertical positioning equipment. For more information visit


Parcel Unloader Integrates with a Wide Range of Automated Systems

Parcel Unloader Integrates with a Wide Range of Automated Systems

Parcel Unloaders from Southworth Products Corp are the fast, efficient way to get parcels from a wide variety of containers on to conveyors and automated sortation systems. They can be used for all types of parcels including boxes, bags, and mail and accommodate all types of containers including gaylords, canvas/vinyl hampers, and plastic carts.

Parcel Unloaders feature PLC controls to simplify integration with any conveyor/sortation system.

In operation, the Parcel Unloader is fed with a container from the rear, then the entire container is tilted up to 130 degrees to allow items to slide out onto the conveyor. An optional vibratory metering/anti-clumping accessory ensures all items are fed into the system without the need for operator intervention.

Southworth employs the industry’s largest, most experienced engineering staff to work closely with systems integrators to custom tailor parcel unloading solutions specifically for application requirements including capacity, container dimensions, dumping speed, electrical controls, facility restrictions (ceiling height, etc.), and much more.

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Southworth Products Corp
P.O. Box 1380 
Portland, ME 04104-1380 
Número gratuito: 800-743-1000
TEL: 207-878-0700
FAX: 207-797-4734
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SOUTHWORTH PRODUCTS CORP | P.O. Box 1380 | Portland, ME 04104-1380
Toll-Free: 800-743-1000 | TEL: 207-878-0700 | FAX: 207-797-4734 | Site Map |

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